How to Clean the Awkward Spaces in Your Car!

Sometimes no matter how much you scrub, wipe and polish, your car’s interior just doesn’t feel totally clean! Often times, this is down to those awkward nooks and crannies that just seem impossible to clean. In this article we look at some effective ways to deep clean those awkward spaces and get your car feeling next level clean.
diesel car interior
Air Vents

Air vents can get dusty and grimy pretty easily. To clean them we recommend using a can of compressed air to blast out dust and dirt, followed by an air con/car ventilation system cleaner. Switch off the engine and place the nozzle of the air can into the vent slightly. Blast the air in short bursts to loosen settled dust and dirt. Make sure the vents are facing away from your face and turn on the engine. Blast the air on the strongest setting and follow up with an air con cleaner according to manufacturer instructions. Usually, air vent cleaner will come in aerosol form and can either be blasted into the vent or is activated inside the vehicle with the recirculation cycle turned on. Once the air con cleaner has worked its magic, use a cotton bud dipped in all-purpose cleaner to detail clean the slats on the vents.
car air vents
Tight Spaces Around Seats:

If you want a really thorough clean and you own your own vehicle, you can choose to remove the seats altogether to give your car floor a thorough vacuum. However, we prefer these simpler and less risky techniques:

Car Detail Vacuum Attachments

If you want to give your car a deep clean that’s on par with a professional valet, then you’re going to need some professional tools. A car detailing kit can often be a worthwhile investment if you want to maintain a clean car interior. Detailing kits come with purpose-designed vacuum attachments that are just right for getting in-between car seats.

Cardboard Roll & Vacuum

This tip is one for those of you who don’t fancy forking out for a new vacuum attachment or a car detailing kit. With the help of a cardboard tube, you can turn your ordinary vacuum hose into a nozzle attachment quite easily! Simply slot the cardboard tube onto the tip of your vacuums hose and tape into place, gently squeeze the end of the tube to create a nozzle shape and use it to fit into those hard-to-reach places in your car! Of course this won’t be as effective as the real thing, but it will certainly get the job done!

Compressed Air

Compressed air or ‘air duster’ cans have many uses especially when it comes to cleaning! Vacuum hoses don’t always fit into small and awkward spaces, even with the correct attachments. So, instead of pulling the dirt out with a vacuum, you could blast it away with the help of an air duster! Plus, compressed air is far cheaper than purchasing a car detailing kit or a new vacuum attachment (even if they do, do a great job!). Simply aim the nozzle of the air can at slight angle to blast loose dirt upwards and away from those awkward nooks between your car seat and your centre console.
car seats